Saturday, June 14, 2008

Going To eBay Live!

Thursday, June 19, 2008 begins another eBay Live! This is an annual international convention of eBay buyers and sellers. This year it is being held in the 'Windy City', Chicago of course. The number of attendees this year is expected to be above 10,000. I'll tell you all about it when I return.

Right now I want to share a new contest that is premiering at this year's eBay Live! It's called "Spot The Rock Star". Among the 10,000 attendees will be 35 OSI RockStars at eBay Live! If you are going to eBay Live look for the Rock Stars. When you find one they will give you a card to get to a special part of the Rock Star website. Go there and register for the contest and you can win one of the many prizes -- over $5000 worth.